Improvise! – January 25, 2016

| Radio

As the very busy month of January winds down and a Groundhog Day Dance Party looms, Bubble Wrap radio digs into the vaults for dance numbers to prime the pump.  Yes, we want everyone to come to the WVEW Groundhog Day Dance Party at 118 Elliot St in Brattleboro from 7 to whenever on February […]

Making Lemonade – January 19, 2017

| Radio

It really is a brand new era, and this had us a little off balance, seeing as how it’s the eve of Donald J. Trump’s inauguration, a decidedly disruptive prospect if ever there was one. Our confusion gave us the opportunity to take a scattershot approach to the whole affair on Bubble Wrap radio this […]

Whatever The Party Calls For, Part 2 – More Best Of 2016

| Radio, Songs

It’s never easy to pick the best songs of any time period — there are always songs that rise above the common herd of new music without attaining top status.  That’s where Disc 2 comes in.  It’s a place to record that second tier of great tunes aren’t quite great enough on their own to […]

Whatever The Party Calls For – Best Songs of 2016 Part I

| Radio, Songs

This year was the first in three years that I’ve bothered to put together a year end best of compilation annual CD, as we had for so many years before.  For whatever the reason, I got bored with current, nowaday music.  I started listening to classical!  It was bad.  This year, maybe because of the […]

A Wintry Mix – December 7, 2016

| Radio, Songs

On Bubble Wrap radio this week, we tried to stay away from Christmas without being totally unseasonal in our selections.  The end result was a wintry mix of new stuff just in and songs from past years with the words “winter” or “snow” in their titles.  I know, it’s a cheap algorithm but it works, and gives […]

A Return To Normalcy – November 30, 2016

| Radio

This week on Bubble Wrap radio show, we vowed a return to normalcy.  Did we succeed?  Let’s see…. Obligatory Prince track?  check.  Unknown 80s Italo funk cut? got it.  Interesting new music from Chicago?  Yup.  Ok, we’re back at least for the moment. The Italo funk was “Living” by Island and Holiday, a 1980s remix […]

Be Thankful For What You Got… November 23, 2016

| Radio

The holiday season is upon us.  First up: Thanksgiving.  Are we feeling thankful?  Maybe not entirely but I think this year more than some others, we were in the mood for a good old fashioned, comforting family Thanksgiving with all the trimmings.  This week on Bubble Wrap, we attempted to fit the mood of the […]

Standing On Shakey Ground – November 16, 2016

| Radio

This week’s Bubble Wrap was a return to pre-election routine, or so we thought.  As it turned out, even when you’re not trying to make topical references, songs come out of the ether with a point of view all their own.  Such was our experience this week, as we all try to make sense of […]

OMG It’s Trump – the Post Election Show

| Radio

We were looking forward to doing the Bubble Wrap show the day after the election, figuring Hillary would win and we could play upbeat pop songs with just a touch of whimsical sarcasm….  And then the unthinkable happened — Donald Trump won!  How is this even possible.  On one days notice it was back to […]

Pre-Election Encouragement – November 2, 2016

| Radio

Since the election was all anyone was thinking about anyway, we decided to provide some musical encouragement on Bubble Wrap this week.  But we threw in someunrelated new stuff too, just to keep it interesting.  First off, apologies in advance to purists who think Bruno Mars is too pop for an indie show.  I agree.  […]

Stronger Than Witchcraft – The Bubble Wrap 2016 Hallowe’en Show

| Radio

Doing a Hallowe’en show on the radio is always fun — it brings out your inner ham and suddenly you’re playing sound effects records of haunted mansions and wishing you had Monster Mash on your iPad… This year’s Bubble Wrap Halloween playlist consisted of two types of Halloween song. There are the songs that are […]

All Over Town: October 19, 2016

| Radio

There are weeks when we’re less inspired by the Bubble Wrap playlist options than others, but we always try to put together a good mix of old and new, warped and accessible, or at least entertaining… This week, we dug back in the archives for forgotten gems like “Man in the House” by Greenskeeper and […]

Moonlight People: Playlist for October 12, 2016

| Radio

It’s hard to do a radio show in a vacuum, which is why this autumn’s media mayhem is great for sparking interesting musical choices.  The interesting new artist of this week’s Bubble Wrap show was Chicago Farmer, aka Cody Dickoff (pronounced Dee-cough! — you can see why he calls himself Chicago Farmer.)  The record, Midwest […]

Wild Nothings: Playlist for October 5, 2016

| Radio

This week on Bubble Wrap we focused on new music again with no particular theme in mind.  There were a few chestnuts in there — accordion virtuoso Brent Buswell’s Pennsylvania Polka provided a rousing opening.  In honor of hurricane Matthew, we tossed in Hurricane by Crooked Fingers, a perennial favorite of mine.  We enjoyed a […]